Friday, March 06, 2009

Hailing the blue collar

From the window near my seat, i could see the train changing tracks without a fuss ....i sat thinking about how much effort went into laying the rail tracks for the entire country....the train then just slowed down to a small station with a group of workers still cementing the pavements with jalli (pebbles) and using the mortar to get the smooth look of cement on the platform.
i started to think about the many changes that have happened..about how civilization evolved over time (and still evolving).....the poshy office buildings of these software companies....those highways where vehicles freak out over 120 kmph, these rail tracks all over the country..the towering flyovers and underpasses that mitigate bangalore traffic, the postal system that carries millions of letters across states and cities, the million electric and telephone cables that we cant live without....the list ends where?
How did the wonders of the world get to where they are now....
We are all so used to these..and so used are we to only admire at those glitzy intelligent and intellectual crowd who drive economy and business and technology..true they have been remarkable in their own sense..
But everytime i look up at these so common and taken for granted things around me in a travel or just a moment of reflection....the blue collar is a forgotten those days, it were the workers who moved structures with ropes and hands and on their shoulders....slaves as they were....even now these are the 'hands on' people getting my Puttenahalli underpass going....

is it unfair for us to be involved in sheer intellectual gossip of Whos Who in the world of business and money before realising someone had to do the so called 'getting hands dirty' dirty to be covered and buried under the intellectual masses?
The next time you get on top gear on that hosur road flyover, stop to think who made it happen - not just the brilliant engineers who designed and put the plan on paper - but those converted those glamorous pictures into glorifying structures....our nation builders - the less intelligent?