Friday, September 22, 2006


Having an opposite view is the fundamental basis of our lives. sounds like an emphatic but standalone statement?

This statement is true of almost every aspect of life and business. lets see how.

every trade that happens in the world has a buyer and a seller. a buyer has some expectation of the value of a product. and the seller has his own. now their opposite views or opposite take on the value of the product takes them to opposite sides of a transaction. and there is a deal. imagine if everybody thinks the stocks will head upwards, there will be no sellers and when everone thinks the stocks r sure to tank, there will be no buyers. so unless there r opposite views on the underlying entity, there cannot be a trade.

interest rate and exchange rate views affirm this very fact that if there were no opposite views there r no forwards, options or swaps.

this is the beauty of opposing views. after all opposite views r the fundamental reason for existence.

take life. marriage in particular. if everyone thinks a particular guy/girl is bad in a certain way , there is just one opinion and the 'deal' of marriage never takes place. what happens is this, a guy finds a girl good when it may not be the same for most other ppl. again the girl might have a excellent opinion abt a guy while he is actually not acc to most other ppl. so one ends up being teh bakra which is not actually bad.(if both r bakras , their relative pluses n minuses will be factored in). this is becoz again for balance to achieve in one's life, there has to be give n take. without this opposing view, the world will come to a standstill.

this bakra scenario can be compared to the balance of payments ( BoP) concept which infact induced me to write this post.

in a BoP, there is surplus or deficit in a sub account. one surplus in a sub account will be balanced by a deficit in the other account.

a bakra scenario is not so bad really. coz, the minus of a guy will be balanced by the plus of a girl and vice versa. as long as the surplus of one matches the deficit of the other, life is good. this is analogous to the capital account surplus balancing the current account deficit. whnever there is a disequilibrium, policy interventions have to take place ( like internal adjustements of personalites to avoid ego clashes)

if there were no opposite views then all engineers wd go for compsci . and if there were market forces only to exist, would there have been someone working for the larger good?

and if GOD did not think opposite, will there have been Men and Women as well?


Taruna said...


Interesting analogy!! Opposites are needed.. but dont you think just opposites isnt enough.. co-existence is a little easier when similar traits are involved.. illa?

Harini said...

You cant simplify things by calling things dual ... rather extend it to many folds...

Thinking about opposites I am sure you wud guess what I wud say next :-D

Aravindan said...

@ aruna,

i never said only opposites shd exist. i was just highlighting how important opposites r in one's life.

similar traits does not necessarily mean easier coexistence. does it?

@ harini,