Monday, March 27, 2006
Keep it simple
There is a lot of talk about leadership. and i have had the opportunity to attend the lectures of some leading corporate personalities. the experience however has been most frustrating!
I look at a leader in just one way. he says things to you simple and straight. no fundaes. no jargons. no impression management. unfortunately this is just not the case with ppl whom the society considers leaders. just becoz some guy builds a business of his own and makes profits for his shareholders does not mean leadership. leadership is a quality of the heart. not just the mind.
for ex, Shri. Rahul Bajaj had given us a leadership lecture. all thro the lecture he was talking abt his networking and influence. his communications with PC and other govt bigwigs. to me that is concentrated crap. Achievements in life are something very physical. they shd not be provided as an example / means for conveying leadership abilities.
Modesty is the sign of a leader. a true leader. same case with Shri. Kishore Biyani of pantaloon. he was bruiting abt his own achievements. But I loved the way Shri. R.Gopalakrishnan of TATA Sons spoke during a Pan IIT commitee meet. he was simple, unambiguous, concise and precise in his communication. and he also blasted all those who made tall claims. he was sincere in his views and thoughts.
It takes such a leader to imbibe a culture in a company or in a family.
Recently a guy from equity was giving a lecture. I was astounded by the way he spoke.
This is how he defined corporate governance. When u go to sleep everynight peacefully without a remorse that u had not commited any wrong to anybody and to ur own consciousness, there lies corporate governance. self discipline is corporate governance. as simple as that.
The message was simple and clear. He talked abt values and ethics in daily life. he talked abt u and me. He did not brag the virtues of his company or his achievements so far. he talked from his heart. u cud see it in his eyes. i was impressed. he was not a big shot. but i saw in him the leadership the way i defined it to be.
I wish i cud attend more lectures of that kind.
The only lecture that remains unforgotten are the ones that convey a lot with very less spoken words.
The only speaker who remains unforgotten is the one who when he speaks finds himself among the masses he is speaking to. not as separate from the mass giving crude fundaes to the rest.
At the end of the day it does not matter who is gud at what and who achieved what.
What matters is whether ppl see u as genuine . The trust someone has in you.
There lies my idea of leadership.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Why mugging isnt all that BAD.............
All my life I have been committed to waging a never ending battle against mugging.
and now a sudden change of heart. why? that too after a real torture last 3 days trying to mug the legal aspects of business, i shd never have made this statement. but i still do.
lets define the field of industry for this mugging. perhaps that will help present the real picture of what mugging is all about....
what is it that ppl hate abt mugging....the transfer of contents from book to brain....without any wherewithal to understand and assimilate the info that is under transfer.
right. i agree. fully agree. but is it possible for any of us to survive without a bit of mugging in life. i bet no. i am ready for a debate.
we start our life by mugging A,B,C....Z. the first 11 ( 0 to 10) numbers in mathematics. the maths tables. ppl wd say we understand math tables. i say no. first u mug. no point if u dont mug, u cant do calculations in mind everytime when urgency is reqd. the school history civics stuff we do....we unknowingly mug. but then that becomes our knowledge base. how many disagree with this?
once i tried teaching the math tables logically to my sis anusha when she was in 4th i guess. i was in my engg 2nd yr i guess. i taught her innovative methods of generating tables on her own. sudha chithi trusted me that i will fetch her a gud grade in maths.
i ws shocked. my sis got 48/100. after my teaching. i knew for sure she was a smart kid. that i had a real problem communicating things to her. the day before, i taught her all these eng grammar stuff etc, and she scored some 46/50. so there was a problem. she told me that she got confused with my method of generating tables. she cud have mugged as well. and for the first time in my life, i was actually responsible for pulling down the performance of a decent student, with my psycho teaching methods. does not work everywhere.
even the guys who prepare for CAT, mug all the squares upto 50 or 100. mug all fractions from 1/2 to 1/ that they deploy them directly in the test.
what about greatest of engineers mugging lot of basic formulae. wd u want to get even a basic formulae from a text everytime? how many texts will u carry wherever u go? will ur google be always with u?
lemme take the legal aspects of business (LAB) course. mugging was painful. agreed. to give an goes the typical definition of a consideration in the legal context:
when at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person, has acted or abstained from doing anything, acts or abstains from doing anything, or promises to act or abstain from doing anything, such an act or abstinence or promise is said to be a consideration....
sucks isn't it??
i remembered all my school days as i set out mugging the whole stuff. whats worse, in legal parlance, there is so much complication that makes all teh more painful to actually memorise.
but frankly my feeling is there is a positive fallout of mugging. u retain some info atleast when u r forced to mug. i doubt if i had an open book exam on LAB, i wd never have actually read the stuff. just blind copying the text. agreed, focus shd be on application to practical cases. but it pays to actually remember these definitions....not everytime will u need a book to get back to analyse things u read in those ambani episodes had a lot to do with company law and MoA, AoA etc....when u remember stuff, it will gud studying those articles in dailies and mags. everytime u wanna apply, u must not be searching for a book....theres a limit. but u have ur own discretion of what actually pays and what does not....and mug accordingly....discipline comes the hard way. Newton's first law. every body remains in its state of inertia or of uniform motion unless it is acted upon by an external impressed force. hey! i mugged it well in my class 11. now tell me if some one asks u this law and u say i dont will sound funny. yet another thing why u shd remember it in the first place. but i hv just given the reason. mu mugging helped me use the law in this blog......well this is just in a lighter vein............
we mug slokas. okay sometimes thro listening to cassetes and all. ultimately we mug. but when do we feel the slokas? when we recite it ourselves. and feel it in the mind. and every time we utter a sloka, we simultaneously consume and contemplate the meaning of the sloka.
and the cine songs. ppl search for lyrics and mug. why? is it not painful then? hehehe i do it all the time.......
agree u hv to understand things. thats taken for granted. but still mugging helps.....we store info on the hard disk rather than on a pen drive when we require the info frequently. is not mugging talking in a similar vein?
and these great quiz crackers? okay these guys accumulate info gradually. but they do mug. can u understand that Nuku Alofa is the capital of Tonga? u mug. as simple as that.
mugging is not easy. but it is not so detestable.
not everyone thinks so. for those who disagree, when was the last time u mugged without any external impetus???? just becoz it was going to pay u....think....
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Moments of Happiness
I call this ecstasy. I cud not stop myself shouting myself in the corridor. at the top of my voice.
" No Classes Tomorrow"!!!! few doors open. some strange stares. who cares???? i m so happy. So i wanted to write abt happiness.
What is happiness?
ever since the advent of civilisation. all thro stone, bronze age , industrial revolution, IT revolution, just one Q remains defiant. fails to be answered. or atleast the context has not changed. What is happiness???? yes. this is the same Q appearing and reappearing in everybody's mind. and in my mind too.
Topping in school. nice degree. cracking competitive exams. fat pay package. foriegn posting. tech savvy gadgets. holidaying in hawii. marrying a girl of choice. mercedes. a mobile+microprocesor. world famous. Bharat Ratna award. daily flashes in newspaper. creating a business empire. richest man in the world. everybody's turning to u for advice. guest of honour at school/college. wow.
okay. but where is happiness here. well.
For me happiness is in things which we fail to notice. infact things we neglect.
ask me. what is happiness.
when i ride on my oonjal at the centre of the hall. full speed. with filter coffee. aavi parakka. sometimes SANDHYA VANDHANAM on the oonjal. a hot discussion with daddy. when amma feeds me food on hand. paati screams at me for being negligent. akka sits for doing all the packing for college. street cricket. cleaning our water sump. pooja ranks me equal with her father as her most influential person. even ahead of sudha chithi. trade. even if i am losing. watching tintin on cartoon network. at 6.30 AM. so early. borrowing tinkle and children's digest from sukanya. practising vocals with her. in motta maadi. shreya asleep on my lap. trouble shooting her reasons of crying with akka. just sitting. blankly. on the sofa. watching TV. that is switched off! bombing a bhusvanam. screeching the gate open. as daddy enters by an auto. the joy of living in an independent house. my house. my way. discussing music with mukund. asleep in class. coffee shack. maggi bonda. cold coffee. time pass with keshav. recovering from a shoulder dislocation. masala dosa. and banana milk shake.
@ 2AM. vivek comedies. music composing. debating on psychology and people. blogging. AMMA's fan club. Dream theatre. marketing class cancelled tomorrow. one more pending. summer posting in madras. will it be a dream or reality? the holi play. sleeping. snoozing my mobile alarm continuously for an hr without gettin up. the moment just after submitting the paper of the final exam. infact the best moments of my life has been while talking with paati. and playing dhaayakattam. and chinese chequers. and when she asks me everytime i visit madras- innum samathaa thaan irukiyaa....with a mischievous gleam-obviously expecting answers from me. i never had any.
do we notice these? I do. Happiness.
I feel so happy. there is no marketing class tomm. leaves me time for conducting my survey. 100 responses. way to go.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wait for sleep
Kiran sent me this song last night. to study the keyboard notes. so that we cud replicate over the weekend. he plays nice on the guitar lead.
well I did not want to write sth abt this song. I actually wanted to describe the keyboard piece. which ofcourse i cant. i havent kept a count of how many times i ve played it. the track is repeating over and over. perfect background while sitting for some serious study.
i wish i cud upload this song for the benefit of keyboard lovers. the notes are too good.
Is there a way to upload a music file in here?
Friday, March 10, 2006
The Marketing Project - ACT- II
the note read.
actually from as many as 17 topics, we zeroed in on the worst topic on earth! why? tough Q. only we shd have known then itself....we wanted to differentiate ourselves from other grps.... actually the prof praised our grp in particular for having taken this topic from amongst other relatively easier ones. and boy, that was a signal for us that we r unnecessarily trying kite flying without the manjhaa. i tell u again, we have been extremely adventurous and we r paying heavily for it. still we cud have done things with a single easier hypothesis. and we complicated things too much by setting up a hypothesis which was still not done in any research. over enthusiasm. blind passion. heart ruled over mind.too late when we realised that.
given the fact marketing by itself is such a perception based and highly subjective fundaes throwing subject, the topic we chose drove us crazy. for instance, i never knew variety seeking cud be so different from change seeking ( according to researchers) . these research papers r grt. they talk abt same things in so different ways that u will be convinced that u can just abt link any thing with anything. but dont try understanding the rationale. chances r that u will not. actually till date we have not understood in entirety the framework of our project ( altho we had submitted the report and the same has been graded....yeah pls dont ask the grades)
3 days left for our submission after exams. with too many threads running in parallel, we had to optimise watever lil time we had. yeah that meant googling thro the nights. i love googling. but i never liked to read the documents i download. it is such a pain. it sure is. ajay was supposedly having a night duty at the MDP lab. gaurav wd be there till midnight. they were handling accomodations for ppl attending GD PIs. i realised that i had to burn the night out at the lab along with them. try some unsuccessful googling. add more crap to the report. or whatever.
we sat thro the night. lucky for us. one 500 ml pepsi bottle to give us company. what....for 4 hrs. thats a world record for taking the longest time to drink a single 500 ml bottle. that too three guys drinking in tandem.
we were searching for the scales. the instruments that are used in a market research survey. meanwhile we had downloaded too many papers ( and read them too). and worse still, some of them contradicting the findings of the remaining. and what are we supposed to do? do this stuff over and over till we burn ourselves out? and without any result? gaurav left at three am finally. ajay and me continued with the work. 4.30 AM, i had dozed off unknowingly. guess ajay was down 15 mins before me. it was a long time since i slept in a chair. the neck was badly aching. legs cud not straighten. wonder how ajay managed. he cud not have.
i managed to open my eyes at 6 AM sharp. my first gaze fell on ajay. he was still looking hard at me and started talking abt some marketing funda. and hey! i started answering him as though we had left a conversation just a min before and were now continuing it. he had supposedly got up 15 mins before. that equalised our sleeping durations. and instantaneously googling continued. for one more hr. we left the lab at 7.15 AM.
we met again at two. we had to collate and relate all the stuff we had collected. meanwhile the prof had sent a detailed format for writing the report. too detailed. three dense pages. at one point of time we used to wonder whether our whole report wd come for three pages!!!! and that too just one day before.
vijay who was out of action for a while, with a bad throat was back in the reckoning. girish also came to the rescue. divya was happily in hyderabad. married lady that she was, we cud not hold her back in our project when she wanted to spend the exam holidays at home. she had escaped at the right time....the worst was yet to be finished.
we decided on the frame work. not very sure though. Discussed and debated unabated. finally we seemed to agree on what we were going to write. atleast we had to. din have enough time on our hands.
we did some parallel processing while making the report. vijay, girish and me were into colating the literature review while ajay and gaurav set abt making the hypothesis and the intro part. but proof reading wd be done together. or so we thought. we ended up finishing our respective parts by 2 AM. we decided to vent out our frustrations in the night canteen. i was not in a mood. managed a chocolate horlicks. others gobbled some gobi parathas.
2.30 AM. gaurav was dead frustrated. gaurav told me that we had to put this vetti stuff in my blog. proof reading was a slow affair. after all why did want ourselves to read the crap we had made ourselves. we cud aptly describe the thought process going on in our mind at that point of time by this foto

i guess i was the first one to fall asleep. in my trademark style, i do in afternoon lectures. others followed suit. 3.30 AM we were wondering why 5 of us shd bee sleeping in a single room with so much discomfort. we left the place and decided to meet at 9 AM. sharp, some one told me. sure enough, i got up at 8.55 AM. brushed my teeth and headed straight for gaurav's room. it took as nearly 4 hrs from then on to freeze the report
finally burned the report on a cd. even it was troubling us. we cudnt initially. tht cd was a goner. somehow it allowed us later.
we decided that awful night that we will keep this project association a memorable one. dheeraj came and pictured our pathetic postures. yeah he did a nice job. thanks to gaurav's digicam.
some fotos for the record:
<-- --------vijay the group leader. man, after u r the leader!!!! u gotta slog even if we dont. dont crib. we still have marketing part II. field study. get ready!!!! anyway he did slog thro the proof reading part....and looks the most serious among us in that grp foto.
yeah i realised the futility of this material life. smile was all i cud do. after all in life, what matters???? -------------->
<-- ---------Gaurav looked the most pathetic. a smile was too lil to placate him. he needs a huge dose of motivicin - the new tablet designed for motivation designed for those who do such marketing projects.
girish looked comfortable. lucky chap.
to all u guys ( and ofcourse me too) for made having this marketing project a GREAT FAILURE.
hey!!!! we still have time to get the cards right. lets atleast get the field study right. doomed if we dont!!!!
(spl thanks to vijay for making that bubbles of thoughts in the grp foto)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Disaster strikes IITB Hostels
I was having one of those routine afti naps ( very less of them these days....with classes from afti to night this term)....
continuous noise of buzzing and four to five messenger windows all across the screen. i decided not to get up. then some rude knocks on teh door as well. still i was as dead as i cud be.
and woke up 20 mins before start of class. the corridor was vibrating with people shouting " Orkut is banned, Orkut is banned"
yeah. orkut has been successfully firewalled here. by IIT B CC.
try opening the displays says IIT Bombay actively encourages use of internet only for educational purposes.
well i thought to myself. so that was the reason for all the buzz in the hostel.
Yeah i was also partly affected though i dont scrap regularly or sth. I had just been tracking down some old school mates and college mates. and having some fun with batchmates here as well. But hey! i had a reason to cheer. survived. atleast till this moment i am writing this post.
Long live blogging and long live bloggers.
I realised one important fact of life during this event. that end of day, it is not money, fame, knowledge or any other thing that humans crave for......
People crave for people!!!! or it seems so from this incident.
Alas orkut is no more orkut in our hostel....
it is orquit!!!! no wonder i can see quite a few status messages - orkut blocked by CC. IITB CC sucks and so on.......
Friday, March 03, 2006
A Marketing ( Markgetting) Affair - Intro
Gaurav turned towards me " yeh marketing project hamaaraa vaat lagaa diyaa. jaise hi katham ho jaathaa hai, ye sab tere blog mein likhega"....i was too tired to reply. I nodded slightly. we were still editing the first draft. we needed to do a complete scan of the report. and make the dozens of changes as ever..........burning it on a cd will happen much later. virus scan seemed forgotten. writing the refernces was the worst task as we realised. proof reading was painful. gainful? who knowss....
3.45 AM
all five of us were sleeping right in front of the lappie. luckily one of us ( who?) suddenly woke up and ordered " Disperse"....and all marched off to their respective rooms. the project was still to be completed. last three nights have been horrible. there were reasons. quite a lot. now all back in rooms. and........ zzzzzzzz........zzzzzzzzz........
___________________________________________________________________ A bit of intro:
Vijay Goel ( group leader), gaurav mittal, Ajay, Girish, Divya and myself were destined to do this marketing project together. ( Divya is not a part of this she missed out all the 'fun'!!!!) and for what fun means - pls contact Ajay. we both came close to authoring " One night @ the Comp Centre" on 25th night in our desparate attempt to search for our (marketing) destiny.
A word abt marketing course here. This place is known more for Ops and IT. I tell u , marketng demands more work than any other course here. to explain why consider....the amount of reading and googling we had done for the marketing project was much more than our total efforts for preparing for all the term exams and other projects in the third term!!!! quizzes are grt. u r given MCQs with 100% negative marking ( a whopping 100 MCQs in our final exam, all application based followed by a subjective paper). Markgetting is not quite easy in marketing....coupled by the plethora of perilous paralysing phrases in Kotler and Keller....( making our life 'hell'er)
Actually I was a late entry to the project. Divya, Ajay and Vijay started off well. they diligently collected a dozen research papers to break their heads with. i was a mute participant in all the initial discussions. that was before exams. as my acads was not in gud shape, i had to spend some time on it. however i made my presence in all meetings and was keeping track of what ws going on.
girish resolved not to start work until exams were over. so he literally absconded. gaurav was kind of in and out initially. moreover, he was in admissions commitee managing Gd/ PIs. then he is our star performer in international B School challenges. he was preparing for his prefinals. finals wd be in singapore. so he was busy with those stuffs.
we paused for the exams. we had big time mugging. the worst we did since joining the course!!!! the exams ended. after chilling the final day out, we realised that we were in a BIG mess.
the details will follow later. well, this will be a lil longer post. take a small break........
Gaurav, u sure can wait a little longer....can u ?